ALWAYS THE CHILDREN at Number 13 on the non-fiction paperback chart!


Anne Watts's ALWAYS THE CHILDREN has charted at Number 13 on the non-fiction paperback list. This powerful and moving memoir of nursing in war zones worldwide was described as 'intensely moving' by the Daily Express and The Manchester Evening News called her book 'a tale of real courage and devotion to other people's children'.

On 14th March Anne also chatted with Roy Noble at BBC Radio Wales about her amazing story. Listen to the interview on the BBC iplayer. 

See here for an earlier interview on the BBC Wales site.

Extract from interview: 'Anne is now working on her second book about her experiences working with the world's first nations, including the Australian Aborigines and American Inuits. She also has a third, about the Middle East, in mind.  "As a nurse, you really get to know people," she said. "You nurse kings and Bedouins and everybody in between, and people talk to nurses. It's a wonderful profession."'

The book is published by Simon & Schuster for whom Anne is also completing a second book.

For more information, click here.

Anne has a busy year of appearances ahead, including the Royal Congress of Nursing in Liverpool, The Charles Causley Literary Festival, and various talks at Women's Institutes and the University of the Third Age.

See Anne's website for photos, a map of places around the world where she has worked and more information on her and her writing.


'In reading the book, I lived with Anne Watts through her experiences, full of admiration for her grit and compassion. It's the most touching testimony to the pity of war and she is such a natural story-teller.' -- Lyndall Gordon, author of LIVES LIKE LOADED GUNS: EMILY DICKINSON AND HER FAMILY'S FEUDS

'A magnificent life story. I feel humbled by Anne Watts' experiences.' -- Jennifer Worth, author of CALL THE MIDWIFE and FAREWELL TO THE EAST END

'A vivid, humbling memoir' -- Clare Richardson, Yours