Andy Briggs’ comedy feature film SUPERVIZED, directed by Steve Barron, has begun shooting this week. The film follows a group of former internationally renowned superheroes who are living out their twilight years in a retirement home in Ireland. Lead cast attached includes Tom Berenger (Inception, Training Day), Beau Bridges (Bloodline, Masters of Sex), and Louis Gossett Jr. (The Good Fight, Extant).
Director Steve Barron is an award winning Irish film director, film producer and music video director. Credits include Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990), Coneheads (1993) and the innovative music videos for a-ha's "Take on Me" and Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean".
Andy has extensive experience working on multinational co-productions and has worked in comics, books, TV, film and transmedia projects. He has written 20 books and graphic novels published in the UK and around the world, and his latest four book series, THE INVENTORY (Scholastic books) was published 2016, with two more out in 2017. He wrote and Executive Produced LEGENDARY, a successful independent UK/Chinese co-production. In 2017 his latest feature, CROWHURST, will be released, and WAR WOLF is due to start shooting in the second quarter of 2017.